Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Girls who ROCK: Behind the Lens with LeSha Brewer

We've talked about being in front of the lens with Twiggy B, as she gave us a few tips and tricks on modeling. Now, we are getting behind the lens with LeSha and are receiving a few pointers on how to take awesome photos. These tips are great for taking a "selfie," anyone looking to enhance their photo's for their blog, Outfit of the Day, or simply because you're interested in learning more about photography. Enjoy! 

All about LeSha 
I am a 28 year old wife and mother of a 2 year old little girl. I love being a mom and I’m currently a stay at home mom, while I attend school. I am studying to become a nurse while I also pursue my photography. I have been a professional photographer for a year now and I’ve learned so much along the way. I hope to eventually make photography my only income and become a full time fashion photographer. I love beauty and fashion and enjoy keeping up with the latest trends.

Why I ROCK! 
I have been natural for 3 years and I love it! I rock because I embrace the skin I’m in. I don’t let people influence my style or the way I choose to wear my hair. I decided a long time ago, that I wouldn't base my appearance off of other people and their standards. I love being me and I take pride in having a unique style.

Photography Tips
I love to integrate my love for photography with beauty and fashion and I take self-portraits all of the time. I will be giving you 6 Quick Tips for Shooting the Best Selfie /OOTD.
  1. Use a great quality camera that yields over 12MP for high quality photos
  2. Use natural outdoor light or 3 point photography lighting system
  3. Choose an interesting background or setting
  4. Choose your best and most creatively styled OOTD
  5. Use the right tools, such as a self-timer  or wireless remote with a tripod
  6. Relax and have fun!
  7. Full blog post on The Best Tips for Shooting a Self Portrait here

LeSha B. is a photographer and writer on The Lovely Photog website.
Her blog focuses on inspiration, beauty and photography.

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